So, this entry is rather delayed due to life happening, including spring break. The topic of discussion for this week focused on "Managing Meaning". What does "managing meaning" mean, exactly? Isn't that the question for everything related to leadership? What does [insert word] really mean?
Well, from the readings and the class discussion, I can help define "managing meaning" as providing the page for people to write their own story. As a leader, there is an opportunity to help develop the meaning of activities for the members of the organization.
In Leading with Soul, Bolman and Deal talk about the four gifts of leadership: love, power, authorship, significance. What seems to be important is showing care towards the members of the organization (LOVE), giving power to others which also leads to authorship (allowing members to create for the organization without fear of micro-management), and feeling significant in the organization. These cannot happen unless the members are willing to become a community. As the leader, we help in these areas by letting go.
As I mentioned above, life happened. This led me to think about how our personal lives affect our ability to serve as a leader. Furthermore, how other react to changes in your leadership due to your personal struggles. Are members forgiving or do they complain that you may not be the same leader as before? If they are not forgiving, why not? Would they not expect some leniency if they were going through a personal struggle? I also get the sense that we cannot show others that we may be struggling . . . why do we have that assumption? I think about President Obama and what would happen if something tragedic happened in his personal life. What would the country expect to see? Would they expect some down time or expect him to keep up the same pace.
I hate it when life happens and how it affects other aspects of my life.
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